Introduction to Women's Literature
Introduction to Women's Literature
Credit Hours
Trudy Lewis
305 Hill Hall
Cross-listed Course
Course Description
Same as ENGLSH 2180
Satisfies Humanities General Education Requirement
A study of traditional and non-traditional literature written by women from the perspective of feminist themes: love, power, work, family and other relations. Previous offerings have included: 1) Asian American Women Writers, 2) Girl Sleuths, 3) Women, Dieting and Fat, and 4) Women, Literature and Medicine. No more than six hours may be taken in the Introduction to Women's Literature series.
2186 - Introduction to Women's Literature, Beginning - 1603
2187 - Introduction to Women's Literature, 1603 - 1789
2188 - Introduction to Women's Literature, 1789 - 1890
2189 - Introduction to Women's Literature, 1890 - Present